Hedgeweek, Funds europe, Andy à Luxembourg, Decision Makers Investment Funds,
Jean-Daniel Zandona:
2 articles per year -
Alexander Wedlich:
1 article per year -
Cindyrella Amistadi:
1 article per year -
Daniel Siepmann:
1 article per year
- ALFI European Alternative Investment Funds
- ALFI leading Edge
Conference (SPONSOR)
Fabrice Godefroi speaks at 4/5 conferences per year
Jean-Daniel Zandona joins several conferences per year
David spoke at one ALFI conference
Active in ALFI (Jean Daniel is active in the event committee)
LuxREAL forum
Several persons have access to House 17
Proprietary Event
1 big event in january organized at"Sheiss": 120 people
Andy, Duke
No real strategy in place
Social Networks
Fabrice is very active on Linkedin to connect with prospects
No governance in place
Internal communication
Information is not really shared accross all segments of the company
No governance in place. Everyone does what he thinks is best
External communication
No real plan in place

Recommendations and ideas
1. Improve internal communication
→ put a system in place that allows all team members to share important information in real time (Linkedin private group, emailing list,...)
2. Structure a plan and stick to it by reviewing key KPIs every month"
Switch to a proactive approach but producting and sending content to
specific channels on a regular basis. -
Create and track specific KPIs to make sure that colleagues, the press, social networks and internet are properly "fed".
1. Presence: Adapt a more specific approach.
Alfi, LPEA, LuxREAL, ABBL, House 17 are taken care of.
There is room for more presence in other associations. Investigate: AMCHAM, BCC, ALRIM, ALCO, ATEL, ILA, Golf Club Grand Ducal. -
2. Information processing: Make sure that any information emerging from networking is immediately shared with the team (Client feedback or new client enquiry). We recommend that you put a "Networking feedback" form that colleagues can fill after each event.
Conferences (exhibitor): make sure that a solid plan is put into action everytime Credit Suisse is buying a booth or sponsoring the event. (Target identification, emails,...)
Conferences (delegates): make sure that the company sends delegates to key events and that the whole group is informed about potential opportunities
Proprietary Event
1. One big event in january organized at "Sheiss": great concept. Work together on the next edition and focus on cross-selling and increasing the impact in the press and social networks.
→ Solution: 360Crossmedia or another provider can take care of the press release and interaction with the press.
2. The idea of a second big event is in the air. "Après ski" concept for example. Daniel will talk to Arendt to see if they would be interested by a partnership. Could be done on their roof.
Social Networks
Define a governance (in this document) and use it.
Internal communication
Information is not really shared accross all segments of the company
No governance in place. Everyone does what he thinks is best
External communication
A plan is in this document, focusing on getting articles published for free
A bigger focus will be made on building strong relationship with clients (more interactions, invitations and internal communication about ongoing relationships)
Key messages

Social network
- Who can see your connections? Only you
- Sharing profile edits? No
- Profile viewing options? Private mode
- Make sure to have a good presentation of your company, in 5 lines
- Join relevant groups
- Get at least 3 interestings posts
Now that you are not sharing your connections, invite all relevant contacts
Take time once a week to discover connections of opinion leaders (Clients, conference organizers, chairmen of influencial associations,...) and invite relevant ones to connect with you
Publish at least a post once a week
When a colleague publishes a post, interact with the post (Like, comment, share) immediately
Technical articles, articles from other Credit Suisse experts, relevant articles found in the press, participation at conferences and events, short news, videos, significant pictures...
Communication is an integral part of business today. In order to reach our goals, we need to have a systematic approach regarding communication, driven by well chosen KPIs which are reviewed every month internally.
CREATING MESSAGES: in order to effortlessly produce an article, aim for 500 words maximum - ie one A4 page - with a message structured around 1 catchy title, a short introduction and 3 headlined paragraphs (or a three question interview)
REUSE: messages structured in 3 parts are easy to understand, memorize and repeat. Do not hesitate to use the same message in an article, a speech or a powerpoint presentation.
AMPLIFICATION: if each employee shares articles produced by colleagues, the amplication of the Credit Suisse brand will be facilitated. This should be done in real time.
Internal communication will be key to the success of this programme.