Write a good article

1. Format of the articles
- An eye-catching title
- A short introduction
- 3 titled paragraphs (140 words each)
- A quotation
- Total: 450 words
2. Writing an article in one hour:
- 1st step - 20 minutes: preparation. Define:
o keywords
o the message to be conveyed
o the raw history (no details)
o some anecdotes and links to additional information.
- 2nd step - 30 minutes: writing the draft:
o define the title and subtitles
o write the 3 short paragraphs
o At the end, write the introduction (you can use a standard introduction if necessary)
- Step 3: - 10 minutes: editing:
o remove all unnecessary information (any phrase that can be removed without affecting the text must be removed)
o enrich vocabulary, remove repetitions
o check that the style is fluid, especially from one paragraph to another
Title | Examples | image |
1. Subject | Real Estate, Business, Lifestyle, Politics... | |
2. Title | Dominique Valschaerts, Fundsquare Prenom/Nom – Entreprise | |
3. Intro | “Benjamin Bodig, vice président de la Conférence du Jeune Barreau du Luxembourg, sera élu président le 9 juillet et prendra ces fonctions le 15 septembre. Interview." | |
4. Text | 3 paragraphs with titles | |
5. Photo | ||
6. Citation | «Le Luxembourg possède une neutralité précieuse qui nous permet de travailler avec le monde entier.» Arnaud Lambert, CHAMP Cargosystems | |
7. Signature | Arnaud Lambert, CHAMP Cargosystems Nom-Prénom + Nom entreprise | |
8. Copyrights | ©360Crossmedia/A.B. ou ©DR Note: Initiales inversees | |
9. Links | ||
10. Option | Template |
3. Triple check procedure (it allows us to obtain less than 3% errors):
A. Writing
B. Autocorrection: switch it to the text
C. Double check: Read it carefully one last time before sending. The triple check will be performed by 360Crossmedia
4. Remarks
Avoid repetitions
Use a rich vocabulary, even when the person has used familiar words
Always opt for the construction of simple sentences and clear words ("Plain language")
Punctuation: Exclamation mark, question mark and two dots: with space in French, without space in English
Be careful with the spelling of proper names (to be checked systematically)
Propaganda is prohibited (example: "the exceptional quality of these products" is to be banned)
Delete any sentence that does not provide any information
The use of Wikipedia is prohibited, you can use only the Wikipedia sources at the end of the page.
All figures/numbers must be written in full spelling up to 16.
working with the text
1. Check NAMES (customers/companies) with particular attention
2. Banned / To avoid
Banned | We | There are | Who | That | It is important to | What | Which means | By virtue of |
To avoid | Use of the Auxiliary Being | Use of the auxiliary credit note |
Questions: Never put several questions in a question.
3. Before and After
Title | Examples | image |
1. Subject | Real Estate, Business, Lifestyle, Politics... | |
2. Title | Dominique Valschaerts, Fundsquare Prenom/Nom – Entreprise | |
3. Intro | “Benjamin Bodig, vice président de la Conférence du Jeune Barreau du Luxembourg, sera élu président le 9 juillet et prendra ces fonctions le 15 septembre. Interview." | |
4. Text | 3 paragraphs with titles | |
5. Photo | ||
6. Citation | «Le Luxembourg possède une neutralité précieuse qui nous permet de travailler avec le monde entier.» Arnaud Lambert, CHAMP Cargosystems | |
7. Signature | Arnaud Lambert, CHAMP Cargosystems Nom-Prénom + Nom entreprise | |
8. Copyrights | ©360Crossmedia/A.B. ou ©DR Note: Initiales inversees | |
9. Links | ||
10. Option | Template |